P&H Capella RM (Seld)

26 nóv 2018 13:44 - 05 des 2018 13:29 #1 by Barasta
Nú er tækifærið að næla sér í góðan skegg bát.
P&H Cappella RM (plastbátur) framleiddur úr mjög sterku 3laga plasti, sem gerir hann mun sterkari og stífari en aðrir plastbátar.
p.s. hægt er að útbúa þessa báta með stýri.
verð 80þús
Stefán : 6699630

Unlike the majority of kayaks in its course, the Capella RM is produced making use of a Triple Layer Process, managing it exceptional buoyancy, strength and rigidity as compared to single layer polyethylene models. The Capella RM is a superb overall sea kayak, ideal for all kinds of paddling, from unwinded expeditions of bigger rivers, lakes and coastal locations, to open crossings and multi day journeys in difficult conditions. The combination of sturdiness, performance and flexibility has actually currently made the RM the selection of numerous trainers and centers worldwide.
Lengd: 16' 4".= 500cm
Breidd: 22". = 56cm
Þyngd: 50lbs. = 23kg
Paddler weight: 110-230 lbs. 50-105 kg

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